Skip Level Strategies Newsletters cover photo with the words 'Skip Level Strategies Newsletters: Strategy, Career & Leadership'.

Issue 7: Advanced Problem-Solving Techniques

February 25, 20241 min read

"A problem is a chance for you to do your best."

-Duke Ellington

Welcome to our seventh edition!

In this week’s Skip-Level Strategies Newsletter, our focus is on "Advanced Problem-Solving Techniques."

Effective leaders are adept at identifying problems and developing innovative solutions. This skill is crucial in navigating the challenges and complexities of senior management roles.

This week’s strategy will help sharpen your problem-solving skills.


  • Identify a complex problem you or your team is currently facing.

  • Spend 5 minutes sitting with the problem. Don't worry about answering it - simply  reflect on the problem without  rushing to a solution.

  • Rephrase the problem in 5 different ways.

  • Brainstorm a solution for each version of the problem.

Why this matters: Being able to sit with the question before trying to solve the problem is a key leadership skill. It allows you to navigate challenges with confidence and lead your team towards successful solutions.

Next week's preview

Get ready to delve into "Time Management for Effective Leadership," a skill that every leader needs to master.

Until then,


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Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, MBA, MPA, CPC, CPCC, Principal Coach and CEO of Bridgewell LLC Professional Services

Asia Bribiesca-Hedin

Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, MBA, MPA, CPC, CPCC, Principal Coach and CEO of Bridgewell LLC Professional Services

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